Did You that Bankruptcy…
- May be able to wipe out Driver Responsibility Fees owed to the State
- Is the only sure way to stop garnishments and lawsuits
- Is the best way to stop a home foreclosure.
- That if you are single (not married) you can make up to $44,072.00 per year (as of November 2013, (with regular increases) and not be presumed of abusing the Chapter 7 bankruptcy laws.
- That you may still be able to file chapter 7 in some higher income cases if you have reasonable regular every day expenses and they are close or exceed your monthly net income.
- That a family of three in Michigan has to make more than $61,110.00 (as of November 2013) in order to be presumed to need to file chapter 13…
- That you can include back taxes and back child support in a e-z payment plan under chapter 13.
- That in most chapter 13’s you only have to pay back a small percentage of your debt…much of it at zero percent interest.